Jicoo automates everything from receiving inquiries and surveys to scheduling meetings to help you improve business and productivity
You can easily create forms with a high degree of freedom by drag and drop.
You can create a routing by combining full and partial matches of answers, etc.
Customization is possible to suit your brand, including list type, question-and-answer type, and theme colors.
The content accepted on the form can be shared and operated by the team.
You can embed it in your website or your own services.
Shows availability in real time. Design and text can be customized.
You can customize the input form when accepting bookings.
Customize and automate the timing and text of reminder notifications. Support for cancellations from both hosts and guests.
You can embed it in your website or your own services.
This is a booking reception where the host and guest are required to attend one-on-one or all hosts. This can be used for sales or scheduling meetings for multiple interviewees for interviews or hiring interviews.
Booking with any one host. Automatic schedule creation based on the host's availability and settings, as well as automatic member assignment.
This type of room can be booked for multiple guests in one frame (time slot). This type is used for seminars and events. It can also be used in conjunction with automatic assignment of a person in charge.
The schedule voting feature solves scheduling coordination among multiple people and multiple teams through a voting mechanism.