Average conversion rate increased 1.4 times! Improved quality of work and customer satisfaction

Innovation IFA Consulting, Inc. is an independent financial advisor (IFA), an asset management specialist that proposes optimal financial products to clients from a neutral standpoint. Its mission is to create affluence for society, clients, and employees by pushing asset management to become the standard in Japan. The company has joined Innovation Corporation, which will be listed on the TSE Growth Market in 2020, and is using its credibility to help raise awareness of the IFA industry as a whole. The company decided after a comparative review that Jicoo's rich functionality matched its needs. By switching from its existing tool and implementing Jicoo, the company was able to improve its operational efficiency and increase the number of interviews.

Jicoo, a free schedule automation tool for teams
Contact us for corporate and team use
Innovation IFA Consulting Inc.
General Manager, Corporate Planning Division Mr. Yoshitaka Fujita General Manager, Marketing Dept. Ms. Natsumi Oike
Innovation IFA Consulting Inc.
financial instruments intermediation business
Financial Service
1.4 times

Conversion rate after introduction


Number of interviews per month


Man-hours required to book

Response delays and coordination errors occur.

Innovation IFA Consulting, Inc. is primarily engaged in the financial products brokerage business and provides asset management consulting services to its clients. Operating primarily in a B-to-C format, the company's advisors provide clients with investment and insurance advice. However, several issues were highlighted in the business operation. First, the marketing and inside sales departments were burdened with an increasing workload of lead acquisition and appointment coordination. In particular, the inside sales team had to manually perform a series of processes from obtaining appointments with customers to issuing Zoom links, which resulted in a lot of time and effort. In addition, managing the schedules of multiple sales representatives and coordinating their individual calendars was also cumbersome and time-consuming. These inefficiencies led to errors in appointment scheduling, delays in responding to customers, and missed appointments. In addition, the design and functions of the existing appointment scheduling tool were not being fully utilized, and there was an urgent need to introduce a more efficient and easy-to-use tool.

Abundant functions match your company's operations

To solve these issues, Innovation IFA Consulting, Inc. made the decision to implement Jicoo, an automation tool designed to improve the efficiency of marketing and inside sales operations. The deciding factors in our decision to implement Jicoo were the fact that Jicoo can be embedded in a website, can be linked to advertisements, and can be assigned by multiple people. It can also be integrated with CRM tools such as HubSpot, making customer management easier. This eliminates the need for the inside sales team to manually check the schedules of multiple representatives, allowing them to coordinate appointments quickly and accurately. In addition, Jicoo has also automated the publishing of Zoom links, significantly reducing the manual process. This has resulted in a reduction of approximately 60 minutes/person/month in appointment coordination time compared to the previous tool, enabling more efficient business operations. As a result, more time can be devoted to direct communication with customers, which is expected to improve the quality of operations and customer satisfaction.

Conversion rate increased 1.4 times along with business efficiency

With the introduction of Jicoo, Innovation IFA Consulting, Inc. has been able to streamline its operations and respond to clients more quickly. In particular, the appointment scheduling process, which used to be a manual process, has been automated, significantly reducing the amount of time and effort required. Specifically, Jicoo's automation functionality has dramatically streamlined the process whereby the inside sales team used to visually check the schedules of multiple sales representatives and respond individually when booking appointments with customers. This has doubled the number of interviews per month and improved sales efficiency. In addition, Jicoo's visually pleasing design and the customer-friendly interface provided by the week view feature on the booking page have greatly improved the interview conversion rate. In fact, the average conversion rate improved 1.4 times after the introduction of Jicoo compared to the tool that had been used previously. In addition, by utilizing the automatic sending of reminder e-mails and the linkage with HubSpot, the entire workflow has become more efficient, and the burden on business operations has been greatly reduced. This has enabled the company to increase the number of approaches and provide high quality services to a larger number of clients, contributing significantly to the company's growth. We will continue to increase the number of interviews through efficient bookings by Jicoo and aim to expand sales.

Customer Interview

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